Position of the executive director

Position of the executive director

Special position of the executive director

Under the articles of association, executive board members occupy a special position in employment law. Both when appointing and dismissing a director, there are important aspects to consider. These include the position of the general meeting and – where applicable – the supervisory board, golden-parachute conditions and non-competition clauses.

An executive board member is the person appointed as a director under the company's articles of association. This appointment may be granted by the the company's supervisoryboard or its shareholders. From then on, the director has the authority andresponsibility to run the day-to-day management of the company and to makedecisions in line with the established rules of the company or enterprise.

HeronLegal has extensive experience in providing advice on the legal position of thedirector and because of this, we can guide you through all steps of theprocess.

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